PXT Select Virtual Showcase: Creating a High-Performing Culture Through Leadership Development

What happens when managers and leaders operate ineffectively? Your entire organization suffers. It’s that simple. So, to create a high-performing culture and achieve success, you need to select the right people for each manager and leadership role and then nurture their leadership skills to their fullest potential.

How can you do this? Find out by joining us for our upcoming virtual showcase. We’ll explore the four important conditions for effective leadership development and how two of our solutions—the PXT Select™ assessment and the CheckPoint 360°™ survey—help you select, engage, and develop leaders and managers who drive results. As a bonus, attendees receive a complimentary PXT Select assessment.

  • Date/Time: on-demand

  • Duration: 60 minutes

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You will learn:

• Why leadership development plays a critical role in driving a high-performance culture.

• What are the four conditions of real-time leadership development.

• How the PXT Select assessment helps you select the right managers and leaders and develop their leadership skills.

• The value of the CheckPoint 360° survey as a tool to evaluate and bolster the capability of managers and leaders.
